Why do creditors continue to phone or harrass me?

There could be different reasons for this.

  1. Keep in mind that before your first payment to us, your status with creditors remains unchanged.
  2. Even after your first payment, distribution of funds needs to happen and it takes time for creditors to fully get on board and change your status.
  3. It is also possible that the creditor concerned has gaps in the records or client management processes. As a result, you could still receive calls.

In all cases, you are welcome to refer them to us.

How do you deal with these calls?

It is important to remember that they are not interested in what happened to get you into the position you are in – Creditors are only interested in taking back/ collecting the money you owe them.

Refer them to Finwell Legal Services @ 012-0547500 or clients@finwellegal.co.za

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