How does it work

A Financial Wealth Assessment forms the basis of your journey to financial freedom.

It is like a Doctor who has to perform a health checkup before he can diagnose your problem.

So – before specific solutions can be tailored to your needs, we need to perform a Financial Wealth Assessment. Think of it as a financial health check.

This product is only a once-off cost.

How does this work?

  • One of our consultants will engage with you telephonically, and explain that this is the first step in the process.
  • Only after doing the Financial Wealth Assessment, can they discuss further options with you.
  • If you agree to starting the process, you will be asked by our consultant to approve the once off payment using your cellphone. NO unauthorised deductions can take place since we use the Debicheck system. DebiCheck is a secure debit order payment system that allows you to electronically approve your debit order details. This will prevent fraudulent debit orders from being processed, giving you more control over your finances.
  • After our consultant has done the Financial Wealth Assessment, it will be sent to you – and the consultant will again call you to discuss and explain further options going forward. This is like the doctor discussing your possible medication or surgery AFTER he has done his medical examination.
  • You have the option to accept or decline any proposed solutions going forward.

*** NB – even if you decline further actions to improve your financial wellness, you are still liable for the once-off cost of the Financial Wealth Assessment. It is similar to the consultation fee that you would pay the doctor.

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